Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch

Physiotherapist Genève

Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch  physio Genève
Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch  physio Genève
Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch  physio Genève

Opening Hours

Opening Hours
Closed now
09:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 19:00
Wednesday closed
09:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 19:00
09:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 19:00
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
Logo square phyzio 180 63ac73f0eba14c640ee09a1d173bc97b55b8a99100bd1add514dc2b7f2904ed0

Book an appointment with Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch

Latest reviews

Je connais M. Mézières depuis 4 ans maintenant (date de ma 1ère opération). Il est très compétent, efficace, avec une grande patience et efficacité.
Michele A, on 04 March 2025


What is the address of Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch ?

The address of Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch is located at Cours des Bastions 13, 1205 Genève.
You can easily access it by public transport or car.
Here are the opening hours of Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch .
Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch is not open on weekends and public holidays.
Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch speaks Français, French, English And Spanish.
Yes, Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch is currently accepting new patients.
Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone.
The phone number of Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch is +33 6 16 27 58 36.
You can reach us during opening hours for any information.
You can contact Jérôme Mézières Physiothérapeute - Physio Touch by email at the following address: mezieres.physio@gmail.com.
We usually respond within 24 hours.

How to find us

Cours des Bastions 13, 1205 Genève
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